The Dance tree

A vision of God's will for Dance and dancers in Singapore

Friday, July 20, 2007

Is attending dance class getting you down?

I think i've mentioned the fact that for a long time i was running away from class, especially ballet class, but God called me back. Why? Because it was time to put into practice things that i had been learning.
Often we see performance time or ministry time as the time to worship and do intercession or warfare. Class time, to many of us is just the time to focus on ourselves and get our technique up. ive been discovering that the more we focus on self in that negative way, the worse class gets. The more you enjoy the class, the better you do. Things start to come together, and you dance better than you'd ever imagine.
So how do we start enjoying class again, one thing is to realise that class time is also worship time, as you take class, you're being faithful to what God has entrusted you with. You're taking care of the temple of God, and being good stewards of what he has gifted you with. The greatest form of worship is obedience, and by going to class and being disciplined, you are being obedient.
Secondly, don't think of class as the time to focus on all you're faults, yes you're striving to do better, but also remember that God provides. In our weakness he is strong, think of class time as your time to enjoy with God. you're dancing just for him and he's enjoying watching you, and you know what? he is dancing with you. Use class time to praise him, change your minset and heartset of what class time is. your treasure is God's love.Focus on that. Not some future fame or your own pride.
Thirdly,Class time is also spiritual warfare. You go into class with a different minset from others, Just by being there with a heart of worship, you do damage to the prevailing attitudes in that class. you wil see a difference. Bring God into that class, bring a God centered attitude to those around you. often learning technique we are in an environment that is toxic to us, there is a lot of pride, low self-esteem, vanity, even ballet comes with many problems, such as eating disorders. Satan has corrupted dance for many years, and by being in class and dancing for God you are taking ground. You are there in class with a purpose bigger than yourself. When you come into it with the opposite spirit refusing to be taken in by these things, you are doing battle. For you and for the kingdom.
Fourth, come to class with a spirit of gratitude. You'll be surprised how gratitude and thanksgiving change your attitude. Be grateful for what God has done in your life, be grateful knowing that he is going to use the class for your good. then begin to dance in joy. it will lift your spirit.
Also remember that just as you prepare your body for class with warm ups, you need to prepare your mind and spirit for class. Think on the word of God, and as you dance be in a continual attitude of prayer. This is your communion time with God. Do pray before you go in.
Be excited this is an amazing time. You may find that when you're done you're more tired than usual, but that's because you're engaging all of you and not just your body. You wil also find that at the same time you wil be really encouraged.
Try this and see the change in yourself and in those around you.


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