The Dance tree

A vision of God's will for Dance and dancers in Singapore

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

i don't know if anyone has been reading this blog, but I had a sort of revelation recently about the christian dance community in singapore. Many people before me have been trying to get dance professionals/practitioners together on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment and to help address their specific issues. I know that it was difficult for them to get everyone together, and they did such a good job providing platforms for everyone.
So I've been trying to get a regular group together to meet on a regular basis, but it's been very difficult to get everyone to come, even once a month. It is hard because we all go to different churches and serve in different arenas, schools, age groups etc. However that's how it should be, that's what is beautiful about us as christian dancers, the body of christ we have different roles and different ministries.
This is our weakness as a community that we are so busy in so many different places that we cannot meet regularly, and being in different churches we have varying committments. However it is also our strength.
I know that unity in the body is God's will for us as dancers, to support, encourage and uphold one another. yet how to do it if we never see one another, that's the problem. I've seen others before me get discouraged, and knew myself to be frustrated, if we couldn't meet then how were we to grow, and minister to one another? Why was God allowing this.
I was getting a group of four dancers together to meet weekly, and then one by one God was giving us other opportunities, one had another rehearsal, one another class and finally one went abroad. It was not that we were putting God in second place, it was just that God was opening these other doors. So why was God stopping us from meeting?
Then it hit me, perhaps a concrete meeting ground and regular meetings was not God's will for us. Yes we should meet to fellowship. Yes we should pray together, but we can pray together on the phone, stay in touch on the internet.
We are strongest in our flexibility. Fluidity is our strength and not our weakness, as long as we use it correctly. We are to reach out and encourage one another. Listen to each other, pray for one another, but we can do this one on one. So reach out, call a friend or email. Share what God is doing in your life, share the visions and the miracles.
If each of us just calls 1 or 2 others to encourage and support their vision, and those 2 call another 2 we can continue to share what God is doing in Singapore, and we can keep our fingers on the pulse of what is happening. In fact we will be more in touch with what is happening and where it is happening, as opposed to meeting in a remote place isolated as a group.
So do not be dismayed or discouraged, just call someone or 2 and encourage them and yourself.


Blogger suzeebanshee said...

Hey... i'm reading... my heart is with you... personally i've met with Jasmine and Michelle... its easier to meet one on one... but 3 is better...
don't give up... let's press on to what is good. Hebrews 10:24-25

6:53 PM  
Blogger HL said...

I'm pleased to stumble upon your blog. I'm not a dancer, and have never been really moved by God through the dance ministry. But I acknowledge my young daughter's love for dancing. I have so many concerns (like tight-fitting/revealing costumes, contact with opposite sex, self-conscious about body image etc) that I have not worked through, and would hate to hold my daughter back from her love for dancing. Would be helpful to hear from Christian dancers if they have ever struggled with these issues, and who they see dancing as a form of worship to God. Thanks!

11:04 PM  

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