The Dance tree

A vision of God's will for Dance and dancers in Singapore

Friday, July 20, 2007

Is attending dance class getting you down?

I think i've mentioned the fact that for a long time i was running away from class, especially ballet class, but God called me back. Why? Because it was time to put into practice things that i had been learning.
Often we see performance time or ministry time as the time to worship and do intercession or warfare. Class time, to many of us is just the time to focus on ourselves and get our technique up. ive been discovering that the more we focus on self in that negative way, the worse class gets. The more you enjoy the class, the better you do. Things start to come together, and you dance better than you'd ever imagine.
So how do we start enjoying class again, one thing is to realise that class time is also worship time, as you take class, you're being faithful to what God has entrusted you with. You're taking care of the temple of God, and being good stewards of what he has gifted you with. The greatest form of worship is obedience, and by going to class and being disciplined, you are being obedient.
Secondly, don't think of class as the time to focus on all you're faults, yes you're striving to do better, but also remember that God provides. In our weakness he is strong, think of class time as your time to enjoy with God. you're dancing just for him and he's enjoying watching you, and you know what? he is dancing with you. Use class time to praise him, change your minset and heartset of what class time is. your treasure is God's love.Focus on that. Not some future fame or your own pride.
Thirdly,Class time is also spiritual warfare. You go into class with a different minset from others, Just by being there with a heart of worship, you do damage to the prevailing attitudes in that class. you wil see a difference. Bring God into that class, bring a God centered attitude to those around you. often learning technique we are in an environment that is toxic to us, there is a lot of pride, low self-esteem, vanity, even ballet comes with many problems, such as eating disorders. Satan has corrupted dance for many years, and by being in class and dancing for God you are taking ground. You are there in class with a purpose bigger than yourself. When you come into it with the opposite spirit refusing to be taken in by these things, you are doing battle. For you and for the kingdom.
Fourth, come to class with a spirit of gratitude. You'll be surprised how gratitude and thanksgiving change your attitude. Be grateful for what God has done in your life, be grateful knowing that he is going to use the class for your good. then begin to dance in joy. it will lift your spirit.
Also remember that just as you prepare your body for class with warm ups, you need to prepare your mind and spirit for class. Think on the word of God, and as you dance be in a continual attitude of prayer. This is your communion time with God. Do pray before you go in.
Be excited this is an amazing time. You may find that when you're done you're more tired than usual, but that's because you're engaging all of you and not just your body. You wil also find that at the same time you wil be really encouraged.
Try this and see the change in yourself and in those around you.

Worshipping God- dancing in the spirit and not in technique.

I had a really good talk with a friend today and one of the things that she said was "you don't worship God with technique".
At a recent Night of worship service, her daughters who love God and who definitely can dance, they've had years of training, were rooted to the spot, they couldn't move and all they could do was raise their hands.
Why? You'd think they'd outdance the aunties and uncles and people there who have no training, but really all that technique was getting in the way.
So often as dancers, all the training we've been through makes us so self conscious, we're too focussed on self and not on God. The focus of worship is God. So that's why she said you do't worship God with technique.
We need to learn to let go of this self image, of the things that we've been imbibing in technique class, and let God take all our attention. Just as we can speak in tongues, pray in the spirit, be led, you can worship and dance led by the spirit. That is one of the most freeing things.
Wouldn'y you like to experience that? And just see hundreds of people worshipping, praising and interceding through dance. Imagine what that would look like, and you could experience that, and i really believe God will set you free to dancce for him, what a break through that will be.
there is a fireworks conference led by Shachach ministries at expo hall 2 Aug 9-11. From 6pm onwards it's the free evening session, with worship, word and warfare. Dancers i think this will give you a new direction in dancce and a new desire. or renewed desire.
Their website is
Check it out. Light that fire again.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Read the other post first, it explains in detail what i am saying here.
However simply put,

as dancers we often question our calling. Just because we're not well known, or we don't have legs that go up to our ears.
If you know for sure that God has called you to dance, then dance.

God did not call you to be the best in class. He did not call you to win competitions.
He did not call you to be famous. he just called you to dance. So do the best with what you have. Be a good steward of the body and talent God has gifted you with. Work hard, eat well, take correction, but don't question your calling just because thiongs don't go the way you think it should.
Do not judge by man's standards. Judge by God's.

If he has called you to dance, JUST DANCE.

Along the way God will lift your head, but He will lift your head. Not man. Keep your eyes on God not on man, and not on yourself. Focus on Him, delight in HIm, because he is definitely delighting in you.


Too often we think "when will i arrive at my destiny", well we're all interconnected and so the final completion of God's plan isn't going to be until Jesus comes again. So we can't just be lying around until that time comes, God said to wait expectantly, to be ready for it.
It is not to mark time until our "destiny" arrives, God wants us to live our lives.

Your Individual Destiny, is not a destination. A final place that you come to. It is the network of paths that God leads you on so that you become conformed to the image of christ.
Ever notice how with God it is often more about Process than Product. God doesn't just want your money or your time, he wants you.
So your destiny is really the route on which you are most likely to get to know him better, and make him known. it's not a destination, a place where you suddenly burst onto the scene, all lights blazing, shouting i've arrived, and suddenly impacting the world.

"For i know the plans i have for you" declares the Lord."plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and i will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you" declares the Lord . Jeremiah 29:11-14a

See the plans the Lord has for us are ultimately so that we will seek him. He wants to be found by us, he WILL BE found by his children.

And also "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

Your Individual destiny is like this "good work" he will carry it to completion, but it is an ongoing process. You're not just done when you arrive. You individual destiny is that sanctification process that you go through to become more and more like jesus.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. " Romans 8:28-29

What is the "good" being talked about here?
It is being conformed to the likeness of his son. The good isn't health or wealth, because that would go against so many things we see today. You can't say just because a person is poor that they don't love God. However we can all see how God uses poverty or illness to help draw us to him and to make us more like Jesus.

That is why your destiny is not a destination, but a process, or a tapestry or continual weaving, to create the beautiful final picture at the end of it all.

We are to be a light in the darkness. Here are some verses that express it beautifully.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See the darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn." Isaiah 60:1-3

"you will be a crown of splendour in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God." Isaiah 62:3

Key words: glory and splendour.
Often we can interpret these to mean beauty. We are to bring the beauty of the Lord into these dark places, and this will bring joy and rest to those who see.

God has made each and every one of us beautifully, intricately, such attention to detail.
God himself is described as beautiful, so don't think that this beauty is only for women to share.
Man and Woman was made in the likeness of God, so we express different aspects of Him and different aspects of His beauty.

So notice that there is an overlap in the beauty of creation, how you're made ,"fearfully and wonderfully made", and you're purpose (particularly) as artists to express that beauty.
See how well suited you are for the destiny God has set out for you.

See how his glory rises upon you, and it becomes your light, to be shared with others. You are called a crown of splendour in the Lord's hand. Take delight in that. Shine bright guys. Shine bright.

Something that was sent to me and which is in keeping with what i've been meditating on as a christian dancer, and i think is something that will help all of us
"I thought these words from Dean Sherman on the arts and creating will encourage all of you dancers.

For your reading and encouragement.

Comments from Dean Sherman

God is a creator. The devil is a destroyer. God is light. The devil is

God is the source of all that creates order, beauty, light and fulfillment.
The enemy takes what has been created, destroys, confuses, deceives and
brings bondage.

This is why the ARTS are at the forefront of the spiritual battle for
society and the dignity of humans. The original performance of God was to
bring light into darkness, and beauty into chaos. This was done by
declaring verbally "Let there be______" and by the power of his spirit to
bring forth expression of truth, of his nature and character in what was
made. God fought the darkness, by replacing it with light. Every time we
create artistic expression that reveals what is true, fulfilling and
dignified, darkness is displaced. This lifts up all that is attractive
about God, (we call it glory) and people hunger to experience it and live
in it.

Our mandate from our founder is to bring Good News, to heal and to drive
out demons. By expressing who God is in nature and character, by expressing
how man and society can live in love, generosity, dignity and serving (this
is kingdom coming), we accomplish the mandate, because light and truth
comes, man is healed from his broken image and limitations, and demonic
lies and bondage are pushed back.

Express the light and beauty of truth and God. People will be attracted and
desire to come into relationship with Him. Overcome that which destroys, by
declaring what true freedom and fulfillment is.