The Dance tree

A vision of God's will for Dance and dancers in Singapore

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Press in

I asked God what is your word to us regarding dance in Singapore.

He said, “PRESS IN”.

What is “press in”?
When you try to open a sealed plastic bag with only your fingernails, you push and push, the plastic gets thinner and thinner, as you’re nearing the end, you know it has to give, you apply the extra pressure to break through.
That is press in.

We need to press in to see our break-throughs for dance in Singapore.

How do we press in?
More pressure, keep praying, pray specifically and in faith. We know God has plans for us, we need to pray it into being, pray so that God’s reality comes to pass, that we may witness it and speak of it. Pray for those break-throughs.
Pray for your intimacy with God. Pray that dance people in Singapore will continue to be close to God and will hear Him and heed Him. Pray that God will raise up a generation of Christian dancers (some more men) and choreographers and teachers. Pray that God will open doors for his people in the dance industry but close the ones he does not want us to walk through. Pray for inspiration to come from God, pray that we will create His dances, teach with his love. Pray that teachers will disciple their students and nurture them in God’s ways and as dancers. Pray for God’s creativity to be released over his people. Pray for unity among the dance people.

How do we press in?
To press in is also to draw close to God. Spend time with Him, read His word, get to know Him and keep in communication with him. Keep praying.

In one prophetic website it said 2007 will be a time of moving from mission impossible to mission accomplished. So complete the preparations and be ready to see the fruition of God’s dreams for dance in Singapore.

I believe it. Do you believe? If you do then press in, press in. Keep praying and open the heavens.


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